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Welcome to the section of the site where you will find the most beautiful stuff ever...
Except none of it is up yet. Don't fret, for one day this stuff may just be for sale. And even sooner there may be, like, pictures of them too.

The Blankly Fallen Rocker Jacket
This jacket is the coolest thing you've ever seen. I swear. Now the color leaves a little to be desired, but all in all its off the hizzy. The jacket is 100% polyester baby! And it has the Blankly Fallen flame bowling ball on the back.
The Blankly Fallen Tee Shirt
The official shirt that only the cool people can wear. Ohh all right. So what if we wear it too? It IS our band. But anywho, the shirt comes in a variety of colors and has the Blankly Fallen PRTR logo on the front and a bowling ball on the back.
The Blankly Fallen Beanie
I don't think it gets better than this. The Blankly Fallen Beanie comes in all shapes (actually just one) and sizes (whereas it is stretchy). You will be one hot mamma jamma (because it keeps your head and ears toasty warm) and all the ladies will love you (because Blankly Fallen interest instantly means that you are awesome). Unless you ARE a lady, because then all the guys will love you (gotta love the parenthasis).
The Blankly Fallen Thingee
I don't really know what this is, but we slapped a logo on it and authenticate it for you!
The Blankly Fallen Patch
Unless you're a pirate looking to "hippify" your wardrobe, this patch is the answer to all your dreams. It is perhaps the most versatile thing on this website. If your clothes seem to have ripped, or they actually have ripped, take this patch, turn it sideways, and BAAM! you have a patch to cover that unsightly seam. Felling a little cold at night? But a whole bunch and sew them together to form a banket. Just want to look cool? YOu're at the wrong website.
The Blankly Fallen "Live and in the Flesh" EP
This is a fun little cassette tape of Blankly Fallen jamming at a practice last week. If you think it sucks, you're darn right.
The Blankly Fallen Rocker Shoes
These are not for sale. They are just the coolest thing ever, not to mention four to five years in the making. They are genuine Adidas Kilroy's, and the hole near the pinky toe of the right shoe is real. The sole is worn out, there is nearly no purpose of keeping them at all except for one thing: THIS, is punk.